Mission || iNFINITE.cz

Our Mission:
We want to help build the sci-fi future humanity deserves

Our civilization is built on technology. It has shaped our past, and it will define our future. We believe that the future should be bright, and that it should be filled with wonders that we can only dream of today. We want to help build that future. We want to help build the sci-fi future that humanity deserves.

The promises of technology

Everything will be cheaper

With technological advancements, we're learning how to make things cheaper without sacrificing quality. This means that more people will have access to more things, and that the quality of life for everyone will improve.

Everything will be better

Technology has the power to make everything better. From healthcare to education, from transportation to communication, technology can make everything better. And we want to help make that happen.

Unlocking new possibilites

Technology has the power to unlock new possibilities that we can't even imagine today. From space travel to artificial intelligence, from nanotechnology to biotechnology, technology has the power to unlock new possibilities that will change the world.

What's holding us back?

While all human advancement is driven by technology, not every technology is contributing to human flourishing. The key is to identify and develop the right technologies. And even developing the right technologies doesn't guarantee human progress if they're not deployed properly. One example could be nuclear power, which once promised clean energy abundance, so we just regulated it out of existence.

What we're gonna do about it

Develop the right technologies

Every technological solution we developed has to pass the test of contributing to human flourishing first. Is this making something cheaper? Is this making something better? Is this unlocking new possibilities? If the answer is no, we're not interested.

With this test, we're making sure that we're developing the right technologies. We're not intresting to build something just for money and leave tech grifts to others.

Spread Techno-Optimism

Today, we're being fed fear and despair about the future. We're being told that the future is bleak, that we're all doomed, and that there's nothing we can do about it. We're being told that technology is the enemy, that it's destroying our world, and that we should be afraid of it.

We're here to spread techno-optimism. The future is bright and technology will bring abundance to all. We're here to show you that the future is full of wonders, and that we can build it together.